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Nurses Read This Blog!

Nursing is hard! I’ve been there. 12 hour shifts without peeing. Sore legs from running endlessly up and down hallways.

How did I go from 12 hour shifts without time to pee to a career on my own terms? How did I go from nursing burn-out to becoming a master of self-care? How did I go from dreading work everyday to working with a client population that is a pleasure and privilege to care for? How did I leverage my introversion to become a master my craft and become a public speaker?

Implementing change and taking the time to reflect on what you truly want is also hard! If it wasn’t hard, you would have done it by now! But, I promise you it’s easier than holding your bladder endlessly!

This is the place where I will share the health and career advice I wish I had before, during and after nursing school, but wasn't included in the program!

I have given this advice over and over to colleagues, friends and family and want everyone should hear!

There are a hundred excuses why we don’t learn these lessons in school. Things I've heard are: 1. The most important things Nurses need to know are the basic skills like IV and catheter insertion 2. Nurses work for hospitals 3. Nurses don’t run their own businesses. 4. There is too much to teach in the program and too little time to spend more than a few hours on career planning.

The truth is that little is included in the nursing curriculum because few nurse educators have MBAs or experience outside of traditional nursing roles. While I don’t have an MBA, I’ve seen the benefit of combining specialities and interests to create new opportunities. Opportunities in nursing that didn’t exist before - nursing informatics anyone?

Are unsure what your next career step should be? Are self-limiting perceptions getting in the way of being able to realize your dreams, goals or personal vision? Are you stuck in a stage of your career and need help moving forward? Are you are seeking work-life balance or need help deciding to take on new responsibilities and/or shed old ones? Are you are considering how to reduce your workload so it is more manageable? Are you are preparing for retirement or any other significant life change?

I will help you will feel energized about your career.

Through the insights from this blog you will:

Gain clarity

Learn how to create a path to taking on challenges you didn’t think were possible to overcome

Become more confident

See the light at the end of the burn-out tunnel

Learn to build a support network who will keep you accountable to your goals

Decrease anxiety about your career. Evoke a vision and plan for taking action

Learn the stuff they never taught you in nursing school!

Maybe you think pursuing more education is time consuming and expensive. Maybe you’re worried about the time advancing your career would take you away from friends and family.

You’re not a self-defined nerd. Maybe you didn’t perform well academically and just scraped by on your exams.

I am dedicated to helping you through building your ideal career from the ground up whether you are a novice, mid-career or expert nurse. Save yourself countless hours, day, months and years of career stagnation and unhappiness.

It’s easier to stay in the comfortable position you found right out of school that offers great benefits and pension, but doesn’t offer you joy or support for your basic life needs. It’s easier to rest on your laurels than pursue more education and specialization without the reward of more pay. But, if you don’t act now you will be risking post-traumatic stress, burn out, medical errors, patient safety, and your health and happiness. I felt that way - until I learned how little I knew and found my passion.

Now, I am more confident, more in control, and I love where I am in my life and career.

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